Imagining Your Life Without
Did you know that studies have found that imagining your life without something you are grateful for, as opposed to just feeling grateful for it, has an even greater impact on your emotional well-being?
There is no Exit 9B
I recently heard the idea that life is 50/50 – that 50% of the time you will want the things that are happening, the things you call good. The other 50% can range from a mild dislike to the deepest devastation and despair.
A Queen Never...
In a newsletter this past spring, my dear friend Kelly shared a teaching she heard years ago: A Queen Never Rushes. Since reading it, this phrase has been my guiding mantra.
When something you love is gone
Studies have found that imagining your life without something that you love -- as opposed to just feeling grateful for it -- has a greater impact on your emotional well-being.
A Free Class and Beautiful Questions
When I take Pearl for walks (full moon walk in photo at top), I love to listen to podcasts. Usually I listen to business podcasts, but lately I've been enjoying a break and listening to something fun.
Last week I listened to David Whyte on On Being, where he talks, in part, about asking Beautiful Questions.
Mary Oliver was right
Attention is closely related to intention, which we are familiar with in yoga practice. We can set an intention at the start of the day or a task, which will guide our attention.
When something's got to give
Here’s my question for you… When something’s got to give, what goes first for you?
(For me, it’s social activities. Next it’s making dinner -- I recently found a couple of local vegan meal prep services! And sometimes, yes, it's my self care.)
Even small spiders cast a big shadow
It's one of the most important questions we can ask when considering any kind of protocol or advice: "For whom and when?"
This is a common adage in Ayurveda and other holistic systems of health. But it need not be relegated to the medical field.
What kind of yoga class is best?
What should I eat?
Should I work out or take it easy today?
For whom and when?
It's one of the most important questions we can ask when considering any kind of protocol or advice: "For whom and when?"
This is a common adage in Ayurveda and other holistic systems of health. But it need not be relegated to the medical field.
What kind of yoga class is best?
What should I eat?
Should I work out or take it easy today?
And that's okay
At the start of the pandemic, I offered a mediation called, "Of course."
As in, of course you bought all the toilet paper, of course you have a headache, of course you yelled at the dog.
A love letter to January
Dear January,
I appreciate your enthusiasm, as you charge through the doorway of December 31 with streamers and a song. You cheer us on with gusto as we stumble out of the holiday snow globe.
I’m A Goober
It’s come to my attention that some people I think I have it all together.
I heard from several women in the 50/50 conversations that I can come across with a kind of perfection that's easy to idealize.
Yes, I am kind and compassionate, elegant and generous, self-aware and insightful, intelligent and good at what I do.
When things don't go as planned
Through the filters of my values, I could step through the unexpected and feel guided rather than abandoned.
You are from a special planet
This goes out to anyone who has ever felt like they didn’t belong or fit in. Anyone in the Misfit Club.
It might be that you didn’t fit in with your family of origin.