What Happens to Your Vagina + Vulva After a Hysterectomy (Plus my favorite products)
If your lady-parts feel like a sandpaper desert during menopause or post-hysterectomy, these products will change your life.
5 Gentle Self-Care Strategies for Women with Autoimmune Conditions (During Stressful Seasons)
How to avoid an autoimmune flare up during stressful times.
3 pelvic Floor exercises You aren’t doing (but need to)
If the only thing you’re doing for pelvic health is kegels, here’s what to do instead.
The Maybe Someday List
We all have one.
That list of things you want to do but have been putting off way too long. I call it the “Someday Maybe” list.
My best kept secrets about sleep
Life is so much harder when you're not sleeping well. It's one of the top things I work with yoga and coaching clients on.
Passing a note to you
Were you a note-passer in elementary school? Confession - I traded carefully folded notes with my friends all through high school. (Extra confession, sometimes they were just song lyrics. Anyone else?)
Anyway, I thought I'd share three things about myself... note-passing style.
Might as well love myself
A few weeks ago I was standing on a pedestrian bridge with a dear friend, watching the huge, swollen river flow toward us, aware that it was at the same time passing underneath us and flowing away.
Menopause + Arthritis?
Menopause gets blamed for a lot of things. And rightly so! Common menopausal symptoms include sleep issues, GI issues, hot flashes and night sweats, mood changes, headaches, fatigue, acne, difficulty concentrating, hair loss, and so much more, including arthritis (even though studies on menopause and arthritis vary).
Do your hands hurt?
I recently shared about the wrist pain I've been having for over a year. What I didn't share was that it's getting better. (Yay!)
Why it's getting better aligns with a counterintuitive truth:
Rest is not always the medicine.
Death Starts in the Feet
Oooof, the first time I heard this expression, it took my breath away for a moment. Death starts in the feet.
Living Through or Living With
For the past year and a half, I've been dealing with wrist pain (and not handling it all that well, I might add).
It started on my right wrist -- the wrist I broke and had surgery on in 2017 -- after an overly enthusiastic weights workout.
Keep Track of Your Beans
This year's holiday survival tip comes from the funny, heartwarming, and smart PBS Masterpiece series, Astrid. The namesake main character helps solve mysteries and goes on ethereal adventures with her crime-fighting partner.
No Gifts, Please
When the holidays rolled around, it seemed natural to extend our experiment even further. We celebrate Christmas and decided that year to forgo material gifts altogether.
I went down a catastrophizing spiral
Last week I thought I was dying.
I mean, I am dying — we all are. Every day, one step closer.
But last week, due to some unusual things going on in my body, I was sure I was dying soon. Maybe that’s part of what happens when you’ve had a cancer diagnosis — you become viscerally aware of your mortality. Suddenly every bump or twinge could lead to the end.
September is the New January
September has the feel of a fresh start. Even if your year isn't organized by a school schedule (or even if school started in August), we all have an imprint of "back to school" in our bones from at least 12 years of body memory. The smell of the classroom, the crispness of a new notebook, the way we settled into the routine of the week.
Something happened last week that really bummed me out. I shared about it on social and the response was so large that it bears repeating.
Fix Your Problem Areas
After spending a month focusing on Tall, Elegant Posture in the studio, I have a PSA.
You don’t have any "problem areas," nor do you need fixed or improved. Even if you don't feel tall and elegant most of the time, it’s okay.
3 Things I Learned on Retreat
Our bodies have been through a lot. The fear, the unknown, the polarization all brewing in a big pot for the past three years, up to now and whatever your post-pandemic position is -- all of those experiences were processed (or not) through your body.Our bodies have been through a lot. The fear, the unknown, the polarization all brewing in a big pot for the past three years, up to now and whatever your post-pandemic position is -- all of those experiences were processed (or not) through your body.