Death Starts in the Feet
Oooof, the first time I heard this expression, it took my breath away for a moment. Death starts in the feet.
This statement brings a personal pang, as my mom has significant issues with her feet which have greatly impacted her mobility and independence in the past 4 or so years.
Not only does the pain and inflammation keep her from taking the long walks she used to love, it's also made her much more susceptible to falls. Limping and the misalignments and fascial restrictions in her feet have created knee, hip and back pain. Even though she is a rockstar and does really well all things considered (especially at 86 -- don't tell her I told you), her health has suffered.
Metaphorically speaking, your feet are your primary contact with the earth: your sense of being connected and grounded, a feeling of steadiness and stability, the awareness of "being where you are," present and whole.
When that connection is unstable, painful, or out of alignment, then it makes sense that our experience of grounding, steadiness and presence would be compromised or ruptured as well.
Our theme this month at It's All Yoga is Finding Solid Ground. We are exploring the health of our physical feet with ALL my favorite party tricks for keeping the feet pliable, strong and responsive. We are also playing with what it's like to feel steady, what helps you feel steady, and how to feel steady even when things around you are not.
Foot month is always a member favorite. This year I am opening up our monthly Theme Lab for anyone to come!
If the saloon doors of 2024 flew open and knocked you over, or if you're easing in like I am and still finding your feet, I hope you'll join us.
Read more about the workshop and sign up here.
With love,