I went down a catastrophizing spiral
Last week I thought I was dying.
I mean, I am dying — we all are. Every day, one step closer.
But last week, due to some unusual things going on in my body, I was sure I was dying soon. Maybe that’s part of what happens when you’ve had a cancer diagnosis — you become viscerally aware of your mortality. Suddenly every bump or twinge could lead to the end.
Something happened last week that really bummed me out. I shared about it on social and the response was so large that it bears repeating.
Fix Your Problem Areas
After spending a month focusing on Tall, Elegant Posture in the studio, I have a PSA.
You don’t have any "problem areas," nor do you need fixed or improved. Even if you don't feel tall and elegant most of the time, it’s okay.
3 Things I Learned on Retreat
Our bodies have been through a lot. The fear, the unknown, the polarization all brewing in a big pot for the past three years, up to now and whatever your post-pandemic position is -- all of those experiences were processed (or not) through your body.Our bodies have been through a lot. The fear, the unknown, the polarization all brewing in a big pot for the past three years, up to now and whatever your post-pandemic position is -- all of those experiences were processed (or not) through your body.
How to be elegant instantly
Try an experiment with me.
Right where you're sitting, slump into your worst posture ever. Let your chest sink, shoulders rounded down, neck thrust forward like a chicken.
One of my most humbling stories
Some years ago I went on a trip to Nepal. I was with a group of dear yogi friends and most of the trip was scheduled with a full itinerary of tours and sights to see. It was a big trip for me and I was both excited and a little anxious.
Imagining Your Life Without
Did you know that studies have found that imagining your life without something you are grateful for, as opposed to just feeling grateful for it, has an even greater impact on your emotional well-being?
But what are the benefits?
You know that yoga is "good for you." But what does that mean?
I tend to think of the basics, like better balance, muscle tone and flexibility, along with ease of mind, solid sleep and menopause management (maybe that's just me ;).
Yoga Sutra 2.1
Commit your attention and take action, increase your knowledge and understanding through this awareness, and then surrender.
This is the wisdom of Patanjali’s Sutra 2.1: tapah svadhyaya ishvara-pranidhana kriya-yogah
This means...
The Practice of Perplexity
What is this? is not a question in search of an answer. It is intended to help us penetrate the mystery more deeply so that it becomes more mysterious. Where every situation and experience becomes truly surprising. A place outside of our habitual views and conditioned responses.
Why I started doing fitness classes
A couple of years ago I decided to add a fitness class to the schedule of the yoga studio. Because It's All Yoga is known for the highest caliber of yoga teaching around, people were curious, to say the least, about why I would add a gym-type cardio class to the line-up.
I know you're there...
This full moon promised revolution, breaking free to new ground and clarity on how to get there. I wanted it all.
My usual walking route gives me several places to glimpse its rising and ends with the perfect vista point.
I’d taken walks the two prior evenings, feeling the power build. So the dog and I set out on the full moon night to find it.