Overcoming the Negativity Bias
Aren’t our brains amazing?
How we tend to notice when a room is messy, but not when it's clean.
How a negative interaction with a loved one can amplify all their flaws.
When one small thing goes wrong in your day and you can't let it go and suddenly it feels like the whole day was terrible.
Ways to practice together
Many of us are wanting individual holding, to be witnessed and supported through our specific experience. If that is you, I'd love to be with you in that way. Let's get your nervous system regulated so that everything else is not as hard…
Let's be together
In response to some requests I’ve been getting, I’m excited to share two regulation tools, immediately available. Things are really hard right now. Scary, confusing, disappointing, frustrating and so much more. So much unknown. We all know panic doesn’t help your immune system, nor your state of mind.
Two crappy choices
A lot of people, likely including you, are having to make hard decisions right now.
Should we cancel the trip?
Should I keep my kid home?
What really matters
Last week's post on creating a bigger container seemed to resonate with many people. Grief and loss touch all our lives and remind us of our togetherness.
Get Uncomfortable
It’s possible that our extreme desire for comfort keeps us a little too protected. We successfully avoid situations where we are forced to grow, where there is uncertainty, where we don’t already feel adept and safe. This can make us reactive, entitled, and a little lazy.