It's Not Hard, It's Uncomfortable

Forever I have told myself that "the spiritual path is hard."
Taking the "high road," deep interior focus, doing the pickaxe work of facing false ego stories and programmed identity -- all hard. I've worn this like a badge.

Recently a mentor offered a new paradigm:

Spiritual work isn't hard, it's uncomfortable.

Mmmm, this made my hairs stand up.

What if it doesn't have to be hard? What if the practice itself is, in fact, simple? And can even be approached with ease?

What it brings up? Now that can be uncomfortable.

  • Rearranging patterns? Uncomfortable.

  • Fierce attention dismantling our favorite illusions? Uncomfortable.

  • Sitting with the FOMO when you put your social media down so you can get on the mat instead? Uncomfortable.

Just because it isn't hard, doesn't mean it's easy. But we can do uncomfortable things with ease.

Once my "it's hard" story dissolved, it opened up so many more possibilities! One thing I still know to be true is spiritual work is easier, rewarding, and rich when we do it together. If things are hard for you right now, consider stepping toward Depth is the Remedy. If you have any questions, I'm here.

Is there something that you call "hard" that is actually just uncomfortable?
What's the story you tell yourself when something is hard?
Is uncomfortable more appealing that hard, or just as hard?

I'd love hear.
Stay cool this week!

With love,

Michelle Marlahan
Where Self Care becomes Soul Care

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